gilles clement garden

gilles clement garden

Gilles Clement is a renowned French landscape designer known for his ecological approach to garden design.

Natural chaos

Clement’s gardens embrace the concept of “natural chaos,” allowing plants to grow freely and create their own patterns and structures.

Dynamic environments

His designs focus on creating dynamic environments that evolve over time, adapting to changes in weather and ecological conditions.


Clement’s gardens are teeming with biodiversity, with a wide variety of plants and animals coexisting harmoniously.

Low maintenance

By mimicking natural ecosystems, Clement’s gardens require minimal maintenance, making them sustainable and environmentally friendly.

Urban oasis

Clement’s designs can be found in urban spaces, creating green oases that provide relief from the concrete jungle.

Reconnecting with nature

His gardens offer a place for people to reconnect with nature and appreciate the beauty and complexity of the natural world.

Inspiration for the future

As climate change becomes an increasingly urgent issue, Gilles Clement’s ecological approach to garden design serves as inspiration for creating sustainable and resilient landscapes for the future.